A Temporary Crown Needs Mindful Care

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Dental restorations that call for having a dental crown installed typically require two separate appointments. The first treatment session will involve removing the entire tooth enamel layer, leaving behind a small pillar of dentin, which is known as an abutment. This will eventually anchor your new crown into place.

While our off-site dental lab technician works to prepare the crown, your dentist will secure a hard, plastic cap, known as a temporary crown, into place. This is designed to protect the abutment and it has little to no function value in regards to your ability to chew.

If your temporary crown is damaged, if it feels loose or if it falls out, it can seriously damage the abutment and lead to significant complications.

It’s best to abstain from chewing gum and eating sticky foods on that side of your mouth. The suction this causes could potentially pull the temporary crown loose. At the same time, biting down on hard foods, crunching on ice, or chewing on objects like pencils or pens can also cause harm. These things could potentially crack the biting surface of the temporary crown and damage the abutment.

The temporary crown should also be included in your daily oral hygiene routine. This means you should brush it twice a day and floss around it each evening just as you would any other tooth in your mouth. This will ensure healthy gums that will fit comfortably with the new crown.

If you have questions or concerns about your temporary crown in Kirkland, Washington, you can always call 425-821-8100 to speak to a member of our staff at Mark Andrews, D.D.S.1.