Four Dental Health Myths

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In this information age, the Internet is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that with all the information in the world is at our fingertips. The curse is that there is a lot of baloney on the world wide web, and you have to always be sure you aren’t being punked. Here are a few non-facts typically found on the Internet parading around as truth.

MYTH: When there is no pain, there is no problem.

Pain is there to let you know that damage is occurring, and the problem has moved past the early stages where it could’ve been fixed with minimal effort and discomfort. Now you have to deal with reconstruction and damage-control rather than preventative measures. In the case of dental health, it may be the difference between losing a tooth and saving a tooth. With something like oral cancer, it would obviously be better to catch it early. This is the reason why you don’t want to skip your 6-month visits.

MYTH: Dental X-rays are harmful to your health.

Generally, a dentist will take new X-rays of your teeth once a year, but those with dental health problems and a higher risk of cavities may need them more frequently. In any case, the amount of radiation that you are exposed to with a dental camera is minuscule. According to the American College of Radiology, the four bitewing X-rays that most people will receive during a typical dental exam is only .005 millisieverts of radiation—about the same the same amount that you get from the sun in a normal day.

MYTH: It is normal to have bleeding gums.

Sure, you can easily make your gums bleed by brushing and flossing a little too vigorously, but if your gums bleed frequently it can be a sure sign of advancing periodontitis (gum disease), and you should come in for an evaluation.

MYTH: Regular dental visits are too expensive.

You’ve heard Benjamin Franklin’s old idiom many times before, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Saving money on dental health starts and ends with preventative care.

If you would like to come in and see Dr. Mark Andrews and our helpful team at Mark Andrews, D.D.S.1. Phone: 425-821-8100. Make an appointment or come by our office in Kirkland, Washington.