Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in America. While tooth loss has decreased steadily since 1970, it’s still a very serious issues. If you want to keep all of your teeth where they belong – inside your heard – and not have giant dental bills as a result of tooth replacement, then Dr. Mark Andrews recommends following these few tips to prevent gum disease.
Never forget to brush
The simplest, and effective, way to prevent gum disease is to never forget to brush your teeth. Twice daily for two minutes isn’t very much time at all, and if you can successfully keep up your brushing habits you’ll drastically reduce the risk of contracting gum disease.
Floss like a champ
Flossing is another great way to ensure that your gums stay healthy. Your toothbrush can only clean about 65% of your teeth. Floss gets where your brush can’t reach, and cleans food and debris from your gum line – which is where gum disease begins.
Use mouthwash
After brushing and flossing, it’s worth it to use mouthwash once a day, just to give your entire mouth a great once-over in terms of ridding it of bacteria.
If you’re worried about gum disease, or want a checkup to make sure your gums are as healthy as possible, then call us today at 425-821-8100 and schedule an appointment in our Mark Andrews, D.D.S.1 office in Kirkland, Washington.